Watercolor of the view from Charmont Som

Will Heitman

I'm learning how to make robots that help people and the planet. I'm currently a grad student at Carnegie Mellon's Robotics Institute in the MRSD program. Before that, I founded and led UT Dallas's applied autonomous driving group, Nova. View my resumé or my ✨projects page✨.

Reach me at , or on GitHub and LinkedIn.

Loved ones ⟶


Soil analysis in your browser

Try the redesigned web app here. Adding soil spectroscopy tools This summer I had the privilege of interning in the...

Identify plants right in your browser

As a fun side project, I decided to build a plant identification app. Existing plant ID apps are powerful, but...


Forest generation

I’m interested in modeling how plants grow together. With an accurate model, I can eventually teach computers to care for...

Structure from motion

Huge thank you to Chahat Deep Singh’s article on SFM here. These are basically a rehash of his article, as...

Drone modeling, dynamics, and control

The math formatting can go haywire in some browsers. Try reading this as a PDF instead. These are some quick...

Summer games

Game of Life Source code Policy gradient RL on an inverted pendulum Model at start of training Model after 500...

Some notes on deep learning

I had enough time this summer to work through MIT 6.S191 Intro to Deep Learning, which I would highly recommend....

Building a self-driving car

As an undergrad, I founded and led Nova, an autonomous driving group at UT Dallas. After almost four years, my...

Planning with cost maps

Note: This is a repost from my self-driving car team’s website. Introduction Imagine you’ve been asked to find the best...


Building a particle filter

For the autonomous driving project that I lead, localization has been a consistent thorn in our side. We’ve tried NDT,...

Paper notes: "Computation of Regions of Attraction for Hybrid Limit Cycles Using Reachability"

These are my notes from the below paper. Jason J. Choi, Ayush Agrawal, Koushil Sreenath, Claire J. Tomlin, and Somil...

Efficient and transparent localization and mapping using constrained zonotopes

2023 note: This research plan was part of my submission to the National Science Foundation’s Graduate Research Fellowship Program. I...


Introduction Zonotopes are a class of sets that have some special properties. Here, I’ll explain what zonotopes are, along with...

Joining in on the IFAC conference

I was lucky to hop on a plane to Columbus, Ohio recently to visit the International Symposium on Advances in...

Why we like Nova (video)

This post originally appeared on the Nova website Nova is restarting for its fourth year. Before we get too distracted,...

Machine learning in the browser

info This post is incomplete. I doubt I’ll ever get around to finishing it :/ Oh well! For a long...

URSA selected presentation: Map-Assisted State Estimation for Autonomous Driving

Above: My proposed method, where faulty GNSS estimates are “nudged” using semantic segmentation and map data. As part of the...


Aligning the Lidars (with a video!)

What’s Lidar, and why use it? For all the complexities and quandaries involved in autonomous driving, robot cars only need...




I recently hiked the Alta Trail in Sequoia National Park with my brother-in-law. We weren’t able to summit Alta Peak...

A few updates

Hello, world! I have a few things I’d like to share with you. First, I graduated from UT Dallas a...


Backpacking in Chartreuse

Weaving through the dancing trees With heavy pack and worn out knees I press on through the morning mist To...

Je vais en France !

Je veux ajouter à mon post précédent, « My plan to go away. » Je me suis inscrite à un...


My plan to go away

Humans look at a distant mountain and cannot help but want to climb it. We take journeys to places far...



Soil analysis in your browser

Try the redesigned web app here. Adding soil spectroscopy tools This summer I had the privilege of interning in the...

Identify plants right in your browser

As a fun side project, I decided to build a plant identification app. Existing plant ID apps are powerful, but...


Forest generation

I’m interested in modeling how plants grow together. With an accurate model, I can eventually teach computers to care for...

Structure from motion

Huge thank you to Chahat Deep Singh’s article on SFM here. These are basically a rehash of his article, as...

Drone modeling, dynamics, and control

The math formatting can go haywire in some browsers. Try reading this as a PDF instead. These are some quick...


I recently hiked the Alta Trail in Sequoia National Park with my brother-in-law. We weren’t able to summit Alta Peak...

Summer games

Game of Life Source code Policy gradient RL on an inverted pendulum Model at start of training Model after 500...

Some notes on deep learning

I had enough time this summer to work through MIT 6.S191 Intro to Deep Learning, which I would highly recommend....

Building a self-driving car

As an undergrad, I founded and led Nova, an autonomous driving group at UT Dallas. After almost four years, my...

A few updates

Hello, world! I have a few things I’d like to share with you. First, I graduated from UT Dallas a...

Planning with cost maps

Note: This is a repost from my self-driving car team’s website. Introduction Imagine you’ve been asked to find the best...


Building a particle filter

For the autonomous driving project that I lead, localization has been a consistent thorn in our side. We’ve tried NDT,...

Paper notes: "Computation of Regions of Attraction for Hybrid Limit Cycles Using Reachability"

These are my notes from the below paper. Jason J. Choi, Ayush Agrawal, Koushil Sreenath, Claire J. Tomlin, and Somil...

Efficient and transparent localization and mapping using constrained zonotopes

2023 note: This research plan was part of my submission to the National Science Foundation’s Graduate Research Fellowship Program. I...


Introduction Zonotopes are a class of sets that have some special properties. Here, I’ll explain what zonotopes are, along with...

Joining in on the IFAC conference

I was lucky to hop on a plane to Columbus, Ohio recently to visit the International Symposium on Advances in...

Why we like Nova (video)

This post originally appeared on the Nova website Nova is restarting for its fourth year. Before we get too distracted,...

Machine learning in the browser

info This post is incomplete. I doubt I’ll ever get around to finishing it :/ Oh well! For a long...

Backpacking in Chartreuse

Weaving through the dancing trees With heavy pack and worn out knees I press on through the morning mist To...

Je vais en France !

Je veux ajouter à mon post précédent, « My plan to go away. » Je me suis inscrite à un...

URSA selected presentation: Map-Assisted State Estimation for Autonomous Driving

Above: My proposed method, where faulty GNSS estimates are “nudged” using semantic segmentation and map data. As part of the...


My plan to go away

Humans look at a distant mountain and cannot help but want to climb it. We take journeys to places far...

Aligning the Lidars (with a video!)

What’s Lidar, and why use it? For all the complexities and quandaries involved in autonomous driving, robot cars only need...